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Course Overview:
- Introduction to cancer biology, pre-clinical models in cancer research and specific drug target groups.
- Students work collaboratively to perform high-throughput (HT) drug and content screens in human cancer cells to identify and validate compounds that serves as substrates for an enzyme over-expressed in solid tumors.
- Etiology of cancer
- Signaling pathways involved in cancer progression
- Cancer therapeutics
- The drug development process
- Pre-clinical cancer models and clinical trials
- Future of precision medicine
- Tissue culture sterile technique (Week 1)
- High-throughput drug screenings to detect active drug-like compounds against human breast cancer (Weeks 1-3)
- In silico structure-activity relationship modeling of drug hits (Week 4)
- Secondary validation of putative hit compounds using students’-choice of HT content screenings (Weeks 5-7)
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