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Graduate Minor Requirements

Students enrolled in thesis MS and PhD programs can complete a minor in biotechnology with the successful completion of 12 credit hours with at least eight credit hours in selected laboratory core courses

Program Information

The graduate minor in biotechnology is available to graduate MS and PhD students who successfully complete at least eight credit hours in selected laboratory core courses and conduct their graduate thesis research in an area of biotechnology. At least one member of the student’s thesis committee must be a member of the Biotechnology faculty.  Research in biotechnology is focused on three main areas: recombinant DNA technology, bioprocessing/bioanalytical techniques, and in vitro culture techniques. The multidisciplinary nature of biotechnology means that a wide range of research topics and techniques are applicable. For more information contact Dr. Robert Kelly.

Graduate Biotechnology Minor Requirements

  • BIT 510 (4 credits)*
  • BIT 5XX (2 credits) – any 2-credit BIT laboratory course qualifies
  • BIT 5XX (2 credits) – any 2-credit BIT laboratory course qualifies
  • 4 credits of life science-related coures (lecture or lab, including BIT courses listed below)

* Students may place out of BIT 510 if they have had either a similar course as an undergraduate or if they have substantial practical experience and conceptual knowledge of the material covered.  The approval to place out of BIT 510 is made by the Faculty of the Biotechnology Program, in conjunction with consultation with the student’s thesis advisor.  If placing out of BIT 510, the student will instead take two additional 2-credit BIT lab courses.

Graduate students must include the minor in their Plan of Work to be approved by the Biotechnology Program Director

Additional Optional Lecture Courses Available to Graduate BIT Minors

  • BIT 811 (1 credit) – Professional Development (offered in Fall, even-numbered years)
  • BIT 813 (1 credit) – Research Ethics (offered in Fall, odd-numbered years)
  • BIT 812 (3 credits) – Capstone Biotechnology (offered in Spring, even-numbered years)
  • BIT 814 (1 credit) – Rigor and Reproducibility in Research (offered in Spring, odd-numbered years)