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Research Training & Fellowships

The Biotechnology (BIT) Program offers students several unique research and training experiences.

NSF Modeling the Dynamics of Biological Systems Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

During this 10-week NSF-funded summer program, students will actively engage in a research project under the mentorship of a participating faculty member, live together in campus housing, work together on an outreach project, and enjoy exploring the Raleigh-Durham area.

Biotechnology Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

During this 10-week summer program students will engage in research under the direct mentorship of the Biotechnology Program (BIT) faculty and instructors. The BIT SURE 2025 Application is now available!

BIT SURE 2023 students and mentors at the NCSU Ropes Challenge Course (left) and NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium (middle, right).

MBTP: Molecular Biotechnology Training Program for Graduate Students

The MBTP is a multi-disciplinary predoctoral research training program available to Ph.D. students enrolled in relevant doctoral research programs across NC State and designed to foster training in biotechnology fields for future academic, government, and industrial researchers.  Any doctoral student with an interest in molecular biotechnology can participate in this program. Funding may be available for some eligible students.