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Undergraduate Minor Requirements

The BIT minor can be completed with 12 course credits as described below.

Declaring the Biotechnology Minor (11BIM)

To declare your intent to minor in Biotechnology, please visit the Student Services Add a Minor Page BEFORE applying to graduate.  For more information, please contact a BIT advisor:  Dr. Carlos C. Goller (, Dr. Melissa Srougi (, or Dr. Stefanie Chen (

Preparatory Courses

  • BIO 183 -Introduction to Biology I: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4 credits)
  • CH 223 – Organic Chemistry II (4 credits)

Biotechnology Lab Classes (8 credits)

One of these courses should be taken during the junior or senior year, prior to or concurrently with the research internship in Group D. BIT 410 is the preferred course for students to take and will be offered in both fall and spring semesters.

  • BIT 410 – Manipulation of Recombinant DNA (4 credits) – Preferred (BCH 454 – Advanced Biochemistry Lab (4 credits) may be substituted for BIT 410)
  • BIT 4xx – Advanced Laboratory Courses – choose 2

Advanced Laboratory Courses:

The advanced courses will be offered in pairs of 7.5-week modules during the Fall and Spring semesters. You may combine any two of these advanced laboratory module courses.  New classes are regularly added and updated to cover the latest biotechnology techniques. 

*Note that all of the advanced BIT laboratory module courses will count towards the minor, but may not appear to be on a student’s degree audit automatically.  This will be updated prior to graduation approval. If this needs to be modified sooner, please email Dr. Laura Schenkman and include your student ID number.

Biotechnology Research Experience (3 credits)

A 3 credit (or equivalent non-credit) research experience in a field related to biotechnology is strongly recommended. This should be done through your major department if possible. Most majors have 492-, 493-, or 499-level courses for independent research experience. Laboratory Research MUST include or relate to molecular biotechnology.  Please complete the BIT Minor Research Form to receive credit toward the minor!

Alternative to the Research Experience (3 credits)

An additional 2 credit advanced laboratory course plus the 1 credit BIT 402 Professional Development class may be taken as a substitute for the research requirement.

Biotechnology Ethics Requirement (1 credit required)

You must enroll for a courses that includes ethical discussions of biotechnology. Any of the following courses will fulfill this requirement. Other courses may be used with departmental approval.

  • BIT 501 – Issues in Biotechnology (1 credit)
  • IDS 201 – Environmental Ethics (3 credits)
  • STS 302 – Contemporary Science, Technology & Human Values (3 credits)
  • IDS 303 – Humans and the Environment (3 credits)
  • STS 304 – Ethical Dimensions of Progress (3 credits)
  • PHI 325 – Bio-Medical Ethics (3 credits)
  • STS 325 – Bio-Medical Ethics (3 credits)
  • CS 224 – Seeds, Biotechnology, and Society

Having trouble finding a research experience? There are many opportunities for summer internships in the Research Triangle Park. Please consult with your advisor; a BIT advisor:  Dr. Carlos C. Goller  (, Dr. Melissa Srougi (, or Dr. Stefanie Chen (; the coordinator of advising for your major; Director of University Advising and Exploratory Studies Shannon Pugh (; or Tricia Buddin ( in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Career Services Office.