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- Students will be introduced to applications of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to human and non-human forensic evidence, along with steps for implementation into casework
- Students will gain hands-on experience in generating and analyzing NGS data from mock-forensic cases
Lecture Topics:
- Introduction to forensic science and evidence collection
- Current DNA analysis approaches used in human & nonhuman DNA casework
- Benefits of NGS to the analysis of forensic evidence
- Current and novel applications of NGS to the analysis of human and non-human DNA evidence
- Steps for validating NGS for casework
- Ethics and legal implications of NGS in forensic science
- Traditional human DNA forensic analysis
- Mock case: Ancestry prediction for human investigative leads
- Identifying variable mitochondrial regions for discrimination of wolves
- Mock case: Fish metabarcoding – assessing seafood fraud/mis-labelling
- Case report discussion on ethics and legal implications of genetic genealogy
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