NIH T32 Training in MBTP
The NC State Molecular Biotechnology Training Program (MBTP) is a multi-disciplinary predoctoral research training program funded by the NIH-NIGMS to foster training of high caliber students into future academic, government, and industrial researchers. Since 2000, 79 students have or are currently training in the MBTP from more than 20 different departments on campus. Two years of support is provided along with specialized biotechnology courses, industry experience, and outreach opportunities. This program is one of only ~20 NIGMS supported Biotechnology Training Programs in the nation. While any PhD student can participate in the program, only trainees who select a Training Grant faculty as their major advisor are eligible to receive support. Trainees are nominated by MBTP faculty, and selected by the executive committee through a highly competitive process. The program welcomes nominations of qualified trainees, including underrepresented minorities and individuals with disabilities.
Features of the Program
Eligibility for Support:
- Must be a citizen or non-citizen permanent resident of the United States
- Must be training at NC State in a PhD science program under the mentorship of a faculty member of the MBTP
- Nomination is by a participating faculty member only, not by student application
Program Requirements:
- Coursework: Trainees complete the Biotechnology Minor in addition to major department courseworks. Students will also participate in 4 other course requirements during the traineeship including: instruction in Research Ethics, Professional Development, Rigor and Reproducibility in Research, and a Capstone Biotechnology course which offers case studies and the opportunity to work with students from different disciplines on a design project. A Research Ethics refresher course-offered online-is also required prior to graduation.
- Presentations: participate in the annual MBTP Symposium.
- Industry Rotation: Trainees participate in a 3 month, or longer, internship in a biotechnological industry laboratory. This experience will be arranged for by the student’s faculty advisor and approved by the MBTP Executive Committee.
- Service Project: Trainees will propose and complete a service project that is intended to foster the development of biotechnology by encouraging this career route among K-12 or undergraduate students.
- Reports: Prepare an Individual Development Plan (IDP) and Annual Progress Reports to be reviewed annually with the faculty mentor-the annual report should be submitted to Laura Schenkman.
Financial Support and Acknowledgement:
- Stipend: A stipend is provided for two years and corresponds to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines. Departments may supplement the stipend with non-federal funds.
- Travel Allowance: Travel to and from scientific conferences or can be covered in part – requests for funds should be made to the MBTP Director.
- Books, Equipment, and Supply Allowance: Funds available are approximately $2,000 per year.
- Tuition and Health Insurance: Trainee’s in-state portion of tuition, out-of-state tuition remission, and health insurance will be paid for them.
- Acknowledgement of Support: All articles published by trainees resulting from work supported by the training program must be acknowledged: NIH 5T32GM133366 (PIs Robert M. Kelly and Jason Haugh)
- Annually: The call for nominations will typically be sent to faculty trainers in late Spring, with a training start date on or after July 1.
- Application: Nomination forms and further information can be found through The Graduate School page.