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Spring 2019

Networking and Professional Development

BIT 402/502: Networking and Professional Development

Manipulation of Recombinant DNA: Core Technologies in Molecular Biology

BIT 410/510: Manipulation of Recombinant DNA: Core Technologies in Molecular Biology

Protein Purification

BIT 464/564: Protein Purification

Real-Time PCR

BIT 465/565: Real-Time PCR

Animal Cell Culture Techniques

BIT 466/566: Animal Cell Culture Techniques

Protein Interactions

BIT 473/573: Protein Interactions

High Throughput Discovery

BIT 479/579: High Throughput Discovery

Yeast Metabolic Engineering

BIT 480/580: Yeast Metabolic Engineering

Virus Biotechnology: Pathogens to Therapeutics

BIT 495/594: Virus Biotechnology: Pathogens to Therapeutics


BIT 495/595: Organoids

Ethical Issues in Biotechnology

BIT 501: Ethical Issues in Biotechnology


BIT 572: Proteomics

Confocal Microscopy

BIT 595: Confocal Microscopy

Deep Sequence Analysis

BIT 815: Deep Sequence Analysis