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Jan 14, 2022

Introducing… Comparative Plant Transcriptomics!

Are you interested in bioinformatics, but too intimidated to take a class or try to teach yourself? Or are you interested in how bioinformatics could be applied to plants? If…

Nov 24, 2021

Introducing… Plant Genetic Engineering!

After a successful Fall 2021 semester, the BIT Program will be offering its relaunched course on plant genetic engineering again next semester (Spring 2022). Dr. Dums, who received his PhD…

Nov 9, 2021

Introducing… Biological Electron Microscopy Techniques!

Most students first hear of electron microscopy (EM) in their introductory biology course; it’s buried amongst a few other forms of microscopy, and perhaps even other techniques. At most, they’re…

Oct 14, 2021

Introducing… Cancer Drug Discovery and Development!

Though people talk about finding a “cure for cancer,” biologists have long known that finding such an elixir would be virtually impossible, as cancer is really a myriad of diseases…

Oct 1, 2021

Meet Rose!

When students in the Biotechnology Program show up to their lab classes, they may not think about how much behind-the-scenes work goes into ensuring their experiments run smoothly. One person…

Sep 28, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccines and What They Could Mean for the Future

Since COVID-19 vaccines started to roll out in January, many Americans have eagerly learned about the three vaccines authorized for use in the US, devouring statistics, fact sheets, and updates…

Sep 15, 2021

Meet Becca!

Meet Becca Selby, one the Biotechnology Program’s newest hires! She’s our new lab manager, and is excited to join the program in supporting and training students. Becca got her Bachelor’s…

Apr 23, 2021

From Biotechnology Courses to an Industry Job

Though the Biotechnology Program’s classes are often directly applicable to students’ future jobs, it can be hard to envision yourself utilizing the techniques and processes you’re learning. To find out…

Mar 19, 2021

Meet Dr. Hasley!

Dr. Andrew Hasley, one of the Biotechnology Program’s newest hires, is evidence of just how much variation there is in the biotech field. His path was, in his own words,…

Feb 19, 2021

Meet Dr. Sjogren!

As an undergraduate student, I often meet people and think, “This is who I want to be when I grow up.” When I first logged on to my interview with…